OSCON Friends and Family discount
June 3rd, 2009
Do you want to attend this year but just realized you missed the early registration deadline? Have no fear, through a friends a family discount, you can get the early registration discount (20%) through June 23.
Hello David,
We are extending early registration until June 23, 2009 for OSCON. A savings of $250 off standard registration. Because you have been accepted as a speaker for this year’s show, we would like to extend an additional savings for your friends, family and co-workers. If you have a blog, newsletter or website, please feel free to use and distribute this 20% off code: os09fos.
Act now while early registration is still in effect.
So head on over the the and enter the discount code os09fos
. I hope to see you there!
Posted in genomics, IT | 1 Comment »
Tagged with: FLOSS, genomics, informatics, IT, OSCON, science, software, wustl
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June 15th, 2009 at 10:35 pm
Thanks for the discount code, David.
Hope to meet you at OSCON